Meet LGFG executive clothier Chris Uibopuu – LGFG Fashion House

Today, we continue to introduce you our highly-trained and cheerful executive clothiers – the exact same people that will come to your home or office to measure you and present you with your perfect brand new bespoke suit. This time we had a little chat with miss Chris Uibopuu.

Chris was born in a little town in South Estonia called Valga which is near the Latvian border. She studied there and after completing high school she went to study at university in Tartu, where the University of Tartu is the biggest and most prestigious university in Estonia.


How did her journey bring her to LGFG Fashion House? “I heard about LGFG from a couple of my good friends who joined the company a few years before me. I always kept in contact with them and often discussed how their work was going. By the time they joined I was selling for an educational texbook company in the US. After selling books I went to travel in Australia. While in Australia the CEO of LGFG approached me about joining the company. The decision to join with LGFG was pretty easy for me. It was something I was already familiar with and already wanted to do.  After joining the company I assisted my colleagues to establish our Perth office. After Australia it was time to move back home to Estonia. LGFG being an international company allowed me to transfer my newly acquired skills and begin to build a client base in Sweden.”


Chris also said that LGFG has changed her a lot as a person: “Every single day I have the feeling that I’m growing. One really good lesson that I’ve learned and I think is worth sharing is that you always have to stand up for yourself. If you did nothing wrong then stand up for yourself! And if you did something wrong then own your mistakes and take responsibility. I think in the business world it is the first lesson to learn.”

On her spare time she loves to spend time with her family. Her dad and two sisters live in her birthplace Valga. When Chris has a free weekend, you’ll always find her there.

Chris also tries to be as active as possible, she loves sports like volleyball and running.

Now it’s time to talk about suits. When asked which kind of suit is her personal favourite, she says, “My absolute favourite is a navy suit. It fits with everything.” She also loves to spice up her suit with some Estonian design: “KUMA design makes really nice butterflies that I wear with the shirt as a butterfly bow-tie. It completes the outfit and adds some fun to it.”


Chris says that her favourite thing about working in the fashion industry is to dress people up and make them look good and confident in their looks: “My style advice for the guys is – wear a suit more often. First it makes you feel confident and secondly you look hot in it. Ladies love men in suits!”