A gift from LGFG Fashion House – LGFG Fashion House

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” – yes we all know that famous song…but there is another Christmas song we still remember – Eartha Kitt singing “Santa Baby” where all she wants for Christmas are a fur coat, a convertible car, diamonds, yachts, houses and so on. This song is a reminder that Christmas can actually be a quite stressful time. We all know the feeling when running around the city for different department stores desperately trying to find a gift at the very last minute. It is stressful. You don’t want to disappoint your closest circle, and Eartha Kitt’s wish list is something that only 1% in the world can make happen. But I believe we can all agree that seeing the joy in the eyes of someone you love after receiving something that (s)he have always wanted or loved is special not only for the receiver, but for the giver as well.

For me personally, the hardest part is to find a gift for someone who already has everything. This gift should be personalized and special for them to remember it. Keeping exactly that in mind, we in LGFG Fashion House are presenting gift cards you can buy for that special someone. A custom made suit is something truly special; more than a prize, it’s an experience. It’s an interesting and very memorable experience for our customers as our executive clothiers will come to the client’s home or office to take measurements and then deliver the suit. You can order yours from your clothier, without any need to go to the mall- what a timesaver!

For buying an LGFG Fashion House gift card or to get more information about it you can contact our executive clothiers from around the world. You’ll find our locations on our website: www.lgfgfashionhouse.com

And although Christmas is the time of giving we all should keep in mind that being there for your loved ones is still the most important thing.